Black Friday used to mean just the shopping day after Thanksgiving. Now, of course, it lasts for weeks, including Cyber Monday. Tabletop Games are not left out of these holiday spending sprees, with millions of gamers anticipating great bargains. Board games are the perfect “gifts that keep on giving,” with the most play-time-per-dollar. They nurture deductive reasoning, real social interaction, and “families who play together, stay together.”
The board game market—which includes card games, dice games, and party games—has been growing by over a billion dollars each year since 2018! Games are for everyone and for every gift-giving occasion—family, friends, employees and co-workers, Secret Santas, and even party favors and door prizes. Thousands of new titles are published every year and can be found in local game stores as well as through online retailers.
NewVenture Games offers a collection of over 50 small, portable, fun, educational and very affordable games. They’re all made in Michigan of sustainable materials, too. Click here to view the games in the Peg Pastimes series!
“Be sure to play every day!”