Touring in my Gameroom: "Take a trip and never leave the farm!"
The classic "Touring" card game was published continually for over 60 years. Invented in 1906, it followed the rise of the automobile in popularity. By 1924, the Parker Brothers company added it to their catalog and began a series of updates decade-by-decade. Their artwork and text changes as cars and traveling changed, finally being overshadowed by Mille Bournes in the late 1950s.
The game is a card collection style game in which players are attempting to reach a goal expressed in "miles traveled." But adding mileage cards is not easy when your competitors can play hazards to your tableau. Flat tires, running out of gas, collisions, and speed limits must be dealt with on your road trip.
The game is surely "dated" but I think it's still a fun diversions for family game night. Out of print now, but it can still be found in thrift stores and online.
There’s a tall bookshelf plus several other (low) shelves of kid’s games.
There are a few shelves dedicated to party-style games, and those “stacking things until they fall over” games. Next to that is a shelf that mostly has race games, and another of trivia games.
Shelves that are modern games that get played fairly often, and shelves of not-so-great games that are quite dusty. A couple of shelves are just versions of Monopoly and Clue, and a plethora of chess sets.
I have several bins of card games, and bins of games in bags, and another bin that contains games without containers.
There are fantasy games, strategy games, and CCGs on another shelf, plus the “shelf of shame” games (still in shrink wrap). There are a couple of shelves which are conflict-centered games (mostly multi-player). There are also segregated stacks of railroad games, wild west games, and spy-themed games, too.
I have five or six shelves of antique games (don’t touch these, kids) and a handful of dexterity games (I’m not so good at dexterity games).
There are shelves for my original designs, prototypes, and the Peg Pastimes games (of course). These are near several shelves full of books about games.
Organized? Sort of.
How do you sort your collection? Is there a “Dewey Decimal System” for table-top games? Intriguing idea. Maybe I should get working on that.
Take a trip and never leave the farm!"" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen>